Simonetta Bouquet


This item is available for Pick-up at Casa Bella Building, 8 Jupiter corner Canopus St., Bel-Air Village, Makati City or for delivery, at your convenience.

COMPONENTS: One-dozen china roses red and pink, carnation and eucalyptus wrapped in pink glassine wrap.


  • Display - Flowers last longer in a cool room temperature. Prune the dead or loose leaves and petals daily to avoid bacterial rot.
  • Sunlight - Keep it away from direct sunlight.
  • Water - Diagonally trim the stems one or two inches off before putting the arrangement in a vase. Water every two or three days.

DIMENSIONS: Size of reference picture is 26”H x 20”W. Size will change according to the number of stems chosen below.

TOXICITY: Non-toxic to animals and humans.

LIFESPAN: 3-5 days

*due to limited component availability, actual item may vary from the product photo **As stocks are limited, Fig & Vine reserves the right to alter or modify order specifications to conform to its corporate policies without prior notice such as color, kind of flowers, or packaging
Roses Pieces:

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